Background illustration

Background/children’s storybook illustrations/Wallpaper Illustrator Backgrounds

By Adee11

Background Illustration

children’s storybook illustrations – Wallpaper –  Backgrounds Illustrator!

Our specialty is producing engrossing and creative Illustrated backgrounds and Artwork that engages young readers’ imaginations and brings stories to life. We can help you bring your ideas to life, whether you’re a teacher trying to improve your lesson plans or a self-published writer searching for captivating drawings for Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Our goal is to provide children all around the world with high-quality images that inspire, engage, and ignite their imaginations through our special blend of creativity, passion, and skill. Take a beautiful journey with us as we explore our amazing storybook illustrations, Wallpapers and go on several adventures.

children's storybook illustrations services

Storyboard Ink and Coloring!

Welcome to the only place where you can get services that are just for Storyboard Ink and Coloring! We’re dedicated to turning your artistic ideas into visually stunning works of art. We are experts at the careful art of professional coloring and inking, and we strive to produce the best results possible. Accept our customer-focused pricing plan, where each picture gets individual attention for just $10. Want a bigger volume? Take advantage of our special deal of 100 coloring pages for a flat fee of $800. This will save you money and give you top-notch results for your projects. You can count on us to bring your visuals to life and make an effect on your stories that will last.

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Covers for storybooks!

We are experts at making covers that are both beautiful and tempting, and that really show what your stories are about. We know how important it is to make a good first impression because a good cover is the key to a reader’s heart. Our skilled designers bring your stories to life with eye-catching images, interesting fonts, and well-thought-out layouts. Whether you’re a writer, an editor, or just someone who loves books, our services are made to fit your needs. With our amazing tale cover designs, we can help you bring out the magic and mystery in your story. Follow us on a trip and see how your book jumps off the shelves and into the hands of eager readers all over the world.

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We are experts at making promotional movies for your storybooks that are both interesting and magical. We love bringing your stories to life and putting your fans in a world of magic and adventure. Our skilled writers, designers, and animators work together to make movies that are both beautiful to look at and make people feel something. Whether you’re a writer, an editor, or just someone who loves books, our services are made to fit your needs. Let our amazing storytelling movies help you get people interested and their minds working with ideas. Join us on a magical journey and see your tale jump off the pages and onto the screens of readers all over the world who can’t wait to read it.

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What is a background illustration? And Best illustration service provider

Background illustrations are images that are used as backgrounds for various media, including desktop screens, websites, ads, and social media accounts. Enhancing the visual appeal of the information or object being displayed is the main purpose of a background illustration. A backdrop illustration can be either a raster or a vector image, depending on the use case.

An individual or business that provides background illustration services specializes in producing visual artwork, such as paintings, drawings, or digital graphics, with the intention of telling a tale or delivering a message. Illustrations for books, magazines, websites, ads, animations, and other visual media are a few examples of the services that fall under this category.
Companies that focus on offering illustration services to their clients or lone freelancers are both potential sources of illustration services. A variety of tools, including pencil, pen and ink, watercolors, digital painting software, and combinations of these, may be used by them.

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FeaturesFull color illustrationsFull HD color illustrationsTop level illustrations!
Delivery5 Days4 Days3 Days
Revisions1 Revision2 Revisions3 Revisions
ResolutionStandardPrintable resolution filePrintable resolution file, Include source file
BackgroundAdd background/sceneAdd background/scene
Commercial UseCommercial UseCommercial UseCommercial use
Additional FeaturesInclude colors in illustration, Include entire body illustrationInclude colors in illustration, Include entire body illustrationInclude colors in illustration, Include entire body illustration

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children's book illustrations

Making good use of background illustration

Background illustrations can improve the aesthetics of many designs. Tips for maximizing background illustrations.
Consider the audience and objective: First, consider the design’s purpose and audience. The suitable backdrop illustration will be easier to choose.

Use contrasting colors to highlight the item. An artwork with a dark backdrop and light lettering creates a pleasing high contrast design.

Simple backdrop illustrations sometimes outperform complex ones. Easy-to-understand designs can highlight and simplify information or objects.

The background illustration’s resolution must match the platform it will be displayed on. A small social media post with a high-resolution image may slow loading and hurt user experience.

Test several designs: To find the best backdrop illustration design, test multiple designs. This can be done with user input or A/B testing.

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Clients Reviews





I had a great experience again. His work is top notch, and he’s open to feedback and was able to change directions quickly. I imagine that was stressful but he handled it with utmost professionalism.





I had difficulties templates it got a bit different than I wished but in the end I was still happy.





Amazing Background illustration. Great job. Thanks for your patience.




United States 


Very good! Did as I asked 🙂



United States 


Adee11 is great to work with! He was extremely helpful and willing to work through all my modification requests. will definitely be working with him again.

Worksample image

Background illustration is a crucial component of design that can improve the aesthetic appeal of numerous goods and pieces of content. Depending on the goal of the design, many sorts of backdrop illustrations might be employed. Many tools and methods, including Adobe Illustrator, can be used to create a backdrop illustration. Consider the audience and the objective of the backdrop illustration before using it, use contrasting colors, make it straightforward, use the right resolution, and test out several styles. Designers can use backdrop illustration to produce successful and aesthetically pleasing designs by implementing the advice in this article.

Isometric illustration
Advertising illustration
Photoshop and illustrator
Comic book illustrator
Artists and illustrators
Digital illustration
Forest illustration

Fashion Illustration
Nature Illustration
Food Illustration
Travel Illustration
Automotive Illustration
Sports Illustration
Digital illustration art

Comic Book Illustration
Fantasy Illustration
Science Fiction Illustration
Game Illustration
Advertising Illustration
Medical Illustration
Fiverr illustration

Digital Illustration
Vector Illustration
Hand-Drawn Illustration
Infographic Design
Children’s Book Illustration
Book Cover Illustration
Concept illustration