7 Tips How to prepare a scientific poster (2024)

Early-career researchers can benefit greatly from poster presentations at scientific conferences by using them to hone their communication skills, get feedback on their work, and build their network. Natural resources Ph.D. candidate Aura Alonso-Rodríguez states, “By discussing my work one-on-one with other researchers, [I’ve found] I can identify what worked well and what needs improvement.” “These discussions can also spark original ideas for research and frequently result in new partnerships.”

It’s not always easy to create a poster presentation that works. Whether the meeting is being hosted in person or electronically may determine the optimal strategy. Among scientists, strategies and tastes also differ greatly. Therefore, Science Careers invited academics from all fields and career stages to provide their advice on how to get the most out of presenting a poster at a conference, along with any modifications they’ve made for virtual conferences. The answers have been condensed and made clearer.

Choose a poster creation tool

Choose a tool based on how well it fits your design preferences and how user-friendly it is.

Adobe Illustrator

  • Highly professional
  • Available on iMac/Windows computers
  • High learning curve for new users


  • Easy to use and professional
  • Available on iMac/Windows computers
  • High learning curve for new users

Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Easy To Learn
  • Available on iMac/Windows computers —> Office 365
  • High learning curve for new users


  • Easy To Learn Canva Offer Free and Paid Plans
  • Great for scientific posters and infographics
  • Free and Paid Templates

7 Tips for Preparing a Scientific Poster

How to prepare a scientific poster (7 tips)
How to prepare a scientific poster (7 tips)

Researchers can communicate their findings, methodologies, and conclusions with scientific posters in an understandable and visually appealing manner. delivering a complex presentation at a symposium, conference, or other academic gathering? That’s what a well-designed poster may accomplish, plus more. Remember these seven points if you want your scientific poster to stand out:

1. Create a thorough plan for your content.

Before you begin designing your poster, make sure you have a clear vision of how it will look. First things first: decide what you want to say and how you want to use your study. Your poster should have a predetermined format with sections for the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Make sure that every part of your research trail is simple to comprehend and follow if you want your audience to follow it.

2. Keep It Concise and Simple to Understand

One of the most common mistakes made when creating a scientific poster is to use an excessive amount of text and images. Never forget that a poster is not a comprehensive report; rather, it is merely a visual depiction of your study. To make your point, write as little as possible and utilize visual aids, bullet points, and short sentences. Highlighting the most important findings and insights is the best way to get people to pay attention and start a conversation.

3.. Use pictures and graphics well

This will make the sign easier to read and more powerful by adding charts, graphs, diagrams, and pictures. Make sure the images you use are good quality and related to your study. Also, don’t use too many of them. The more context you give your results, the better. Make sure that every visual element has a clear name and is easy to understand. Choose the right fonts and colors for your project to set up a visual order and draw attention to important parts.

4. Draw attention to the most important information and lessons learned

The importance of your study and what it means for the field should be clear from your poster. Get people’s attention and get them interested in your work by putting your main points and conclusions in prime locations. To outline your results and stress how important they are in the bigger picture of the study area, use clear, concise language. Your work might get more people interested if you include a short end or call to action.

5. Get good at using visual communication

Assuring that your ad is interesting and simple to understand requires strong visual communication. For example, use Arial or Helvetica styles that are easy to read at a size that can be seen from far away. Instead of long blocks of writing, use short, powerful words. Include visual aids like lines, icons, and color coding to help the viewer’s eye find important information. Viewers who want to learn more about your study might find it useful to add QR codes or links to extra materials.

6. Get more comfortable giving speeches

Additionally to creating an interesting board, it is important to work on your public speaking abilities in order to effectively share your study with others. To give people who come by your sign, you should write a short summary of your study. It’s important to practice speaking clearly and with confidence, putting the focus on the most important points, and offering clear answers to questions. Thoughtfully create a slide show or paper to go along with your poster talk and give people who are interested more information.

7. Request feedback and make changes

Lastly, get comments on your poster from mentors, coworkers, or other researchers before the day of your talk. Their comments can help you figure out what needs to be fixed and how to make your poster be more powerful. If someone gives you input, be ready to listen and change what you’re doing. Repeating changes to your poster design will help you make a better, more polished end product that gets your study across to others.

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