Adobe illustrator background design

Adobe Illustrator is one of the most popular vector graphics editors out there. It’s widely used in the design industry for creating everything from logos and illustrations to backgrounds and patterns. In this blog post, we’ll focus on Illustrator background design. Background design is an important aspect of any design project. It sets the tone and mood for the entire design and helps to create a cohesive look and feel. Illustrator is an excellent tool for creating background designs, whether you’re working on a website, poster, or any other type of design project. In this post, we’ll cover some of the key techniques and tips for creating stunning background designs in Illustrator.

Choosing Colors for Background Design, illustration,
Illustrator background design, Choosing Colors for Background Design, illustration
Illustrator background design, Choosing Colors for Background Design, illustration

Table of Contents

Understanding Vector Graphics

Before we dive into Illustrator background design, it’s important to understand the concept of vector graphics. Unlike raster graphics, which are made up of individual pixels, vector graphics are created using mathematical equations that define lines, shapes, and colors.

This makes vector graphics infinitely scalable without any loss of quality. When you resize a vector graphic, the mathematical equations are recalculated to maintain the same sharpness and clarity of the image.

Illustrator is a vector graphics editor, which means that all of the designs created in Illustrator are vector graphics.

Choosing Colors for Background Design in Adobe illustrator

Choosing the right colors is crucial when designing a background. The colors you choose will set the mood for the entire design and will help to create a cohesive look and feel. Here are some tips for choosing colors for background design in Adobe Illustrator:

  • Use a color wheel: A color wheel is a useful tool for choosing colors that work well together. You can use a color wheel to select complementary colors or to create a monochromatic color scheme.
  • Consider the mood: Think about the mood you want to create with your background design. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can create a sense of energy and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green can create a calming effect.
  • Use color psychology: Color psychology is the study of how colors affect human behavior and emotions. You can use this knowledge to choose colors that will elicit a certain emotional response from your audience.

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Creating Background Patterns

Background patterns are a great way to add visual interest to your design. Illustrator makes it easy to create custom patterns using the Pattern tool.

Here’s how to create a simple pattern in Illustrator:

Draw a shape: Start by drawing a shape that will serve as the basis for your pattern. This can be a rectangle, circle, or any other shape you like.

Duplicate the shape: With the shape selected, go to Object > Pattern > Make. This will open the Pattern Options dialog box.

Adjust the pattern: In the Pattern Options dialog box, you can adjust the size, spacing, and rotation of the pattern. You can also add additional shapes or colors to the pattern.

Apply the pattern: Once you’re happy with the pattern, click “Done” to apply it to your design.

Using Gradients in Background Design in Adobe Illustrator

Gradients are a great way to add depth and dimension to your background design. Adobe Illustrator makes it easy to create custom gradients using the Gradient tool.

Here’s how to create a simple gradient in Illustrator:

Draw a shape: Start by drawing a shape that will serve as the basis for your gradient. This can be a rectangle, circle, or any other shape you like.

Apply a gradient: With the shape selected, go to the Gradient panel (Window > Gradient) and choose a gradient type. You can choose from linear, radial, or freeform gradients.

Adjust the gradient: Use the Gradient tool to adjust the direction and length of the gradient. You can also adjust the colors and opacity of the gradient by double-clicking on the color stops in the Gradient panel.

Apply the gradient: Once you’re happy with the gradient, you can apply it to your design by dragging and dropping it onto your shape.

Creating Textured Backgrounds

Textures can add a lot of visual interest to a background design. Illustrator makes it easy to create custom textures using the Texture tool.

Here’s how to create a simple texture in Illustrator:

Draw a shape: Start by drawing a shape that will serve as the basis for your texture. This can be a rectangle, circle, or any other shape you like.

Apply a texture: With the shape selected, go to the Effect menu > Texture > Texturizer. This will open the Texturizer dialog box.

Adjust the texture: In the Texturizer dialog box, you can choose from a variety of textures and adjust the scale and depth of the texture. You can also adjust the lighting and contrast of the texture.

Apply the texture: Once you’re happy with the texture, click “OK” to apply it to your design.

Creating Gradient Mesh Backgrounds

Gradient meshes are a powerful tool for creating complex background designs in Illustrator. They allow you to create gradients that follow the shape of an object, creating a three-dimensional effect.

Here’s how to create a simple gradient mesh in Illustrator:

Draw a shape: Start by drawing a shape that will serve as the basis for your gradient mesh. This can be a rectangle, circle, or any other shape you like.

Create a gradient mesh: With the shape selected, go to Object > Create Gradient Mesh. This will create a grid of mesh points over your shape.

Adjust the gradient mesh: Use the Direct Selection tool to select individual mesh points and adjust the color and opacity of each point. You can also adjust the shape of the mesh by dragging the mesh points.

Apply the gradient mesh: Once you’re happy with the gradient mesh, you can apply it to your design by dragging and dropping it onto your shape.


The background design is an important aspect of any design project, and Illustrator is an excellent tool for creating stunning background designs. Whether you’re using gradients, patterns, textures, or gradient meshes, there are endless possibilities for creating beautiful and unique backgrounds in Illustrator.

Remember to consider the mood you want to create with your background and choose colors and textures that will help to achieve that mood. Experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for your design.

By following the tips and techniques outlined in this blog post, you’ll be able to create stunning background designs that will set your design projects apart.

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